and Trash
One reason being my concern with all the energy used in making ceramics, I left this material for trash for at least a year (studying then also at Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts, sculpture department).
Trash is not only already there, it is full of meaning and concept, it is ugly, beautiful and interesting.
Venus of Willendorf 2000. 2000, mixed media (tree box, nylon socks, glue, flour, ballons, polystyrene beads, egg carton, birth control pills, yeast infection cream, tampons)
Venus of Willendorf (est. 28 000–25 000 BC) may have been used as a fertility goddess by the hunting and gathering society she was made by. “What is the meaning of life for the hunting and gathering women of today?” I wrote 2000, making this sculpture a few days before I found out I was expecting my first child.
Two Self Portraits from Trash;
Three Sides of Me
window frames, best-date-passed food and mixed media, 2000
Two Self Portraits from Trash;
If I Were Someone Else
window frames, best-date-passed food and mixed media, 2000